經濟與行銷領域 |
教授 |
曾偉君 (
Wei-Chun Tseng )
886-4-22840350 ext 203、233
開授課程: |
生態經濟 |
經歷: |
中興大學 應用經濟學系 副教授
中興大學 應用經濟學系 助理教授
學術期刊編輯: 應用經濟論叢(TSSCI),執行編輯 (76, 90, 91期),主編(92, 93期) |
研究領域: |
自然資源經濟(尤其休閒面) 重大傳染病之統計及經濟分析
專書: |
- 黃炳文,施孟隆,陳吉仲,王國明,曾偉君,簡立賢,劉欣芸,李建強,徐享田,2006,經濟學,普林斯頓國際有限公司出版。
- 張文重,曾偉君,2005,馬紹爾共合國水產養殖發展之可行性評估報告。國際合作發展基金會。
期刊論文: |
- 許舒涵,曾偉君,陳吉仲。桃園藻礁生態系經濟價值之評估。農業經濟叢刊,即將出刊。(TSSCI) Tseng W. and S. Chiu, 2014. An anti-bullying and keeping friendship school enrollment lottery. Economics Bulletin, 34(1), 1-15. (Econlit)
- Tseng, W., and W. Ngamsomsuke, 2012. The Nested Collective Lottery that Maximizes Welfare under Consumption Interdependence. Applied Economics. 44, 1863-1866. (SSCI)
- Liao, S.Y., Y.Y. Lin, and W.Tseng*, 2011. A Random Rationing Mechanism which Reduces the Risks of No Son Left at Home. Defence and Peace Economics. 22(3), 265-277. (SSCI)
- Liao, S.Y., W.Tseng, and C.C. Chen*, 2010. Eliciting Public Preference for Nuclear Energy against the Backdrop of Global Warming. Energy Policy. 38(11), 7054-7069. (SCI)
- Tseng, W., H.A. Li, W.Huang, and L.H. Liang, 2010. The Potential Number of H5N1 Avian Influenza Human Cases in Egypt. Public Health, 124(8), 452-459. (SCI;SSCI)
- Liao, S.Y., W. Tseng, P.Y. Chen, C.C. Chen*, and W.M. Wu, 2010. Estimating the Economics Impacts of Climate Change on Cardiovascular Diseases—Evidence from Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 7, 4250-4266.(SCI)
- Chen, S.T., C. Yang, W. Tseng*, and C.C. Chen, 2010, Options Using a Collective Lottery to Ration Vaccines During an Influenza Pandemic. Applied Economics. 42(8), 1055–1065.(SSCI)
- Kuo, H.I., C.L. Lu, W. Tseng*, and H.A. Li, 2009, A Spatiotemporal Statistical Model of the Risk Factors of Human Cases of H5N1 Avian Influenza in Southeast Asian Countries and China. Public Health. 123(2), 188-193. (SCI;SSCI)
- Tseng, W., C.C. Chen*, C.C. Chang, and Y.H. Ju. 2009, Estimating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Infectious Disease:A Case Study on Dengue Fever in Taiwan. Climatic Change. 92(1-2),123-140(SCI)
- Tseng, W. and C.C. Chen*, 2009, Estimating the Wetland Rental Fee: A Case Study Involving a Taiwan Wetland. Applied Economics. 41(24), 3179–3188.(SSCI)
- Kuo, H.I., C.C. Chen, W. Tseng*, L. Ju, and B.W. Huang, 2008, Assessing Impacts of SARS and Avian Flu on International Tourism Demand to Asia. Tourism Management. 29(5), 917-928.(SSCI)
- Tseng, W., and C.C. Chen*, 2008, Valuing the Potential Economics Impact of Climate Change on the Taiwan Trout. Ecological Economics. 65 (2): 282-291. (SCI;SSCI)
- 曾偉君,游惠如,2006,台灣國家公園之遊憩效益及其物種多樣性之價值。戶外遊憩研究,19卷2期,87-102。(TSSCI) 曾偉君,張意滄,2006,年輕高等教育民眾對台灣鮭魚之願付價值。農業與經濟,第37期,125-156。(TSSCI)
- 曾偉君,黃思蘋,2006,以生物武器嚇阻中國之軍事經濟分析。全球政治評論,第13期,41-70。
- 陳吉仲,曾偉君*,黃鈴喻,2006,國人白米的消費行為分析。農業與經濟,第36期,75-106。(TSSCI)
- 曾偉君,黃俊燁,2006,選項集合在隨機效用模型應用之關鍵性—以沿海溼地遊憩價值之評估為例。經濟論文叢刊,34卷2期,209-243。(TSSCI;Econlit)
- 黃成輝,曾偉君*,2006,台灣沿海溼地以及紅樹林之遊憩效益。觀光研究學報,12卷1期,43-66。
- Chen, C., and W. Tseng, 2006,Do Humans Need GMOs?—A View from a Global Trade Market. The Journal of American Academy of Business, 8(1), 147-55. (ABI;Inform)
- 曾偉君,李欣恩,2005,台灣水稻田之糧食安全及景觀價值。農業經濟半年刊,第78期,39-79。(TSSCI)
- 曾偉君,陳吉仲,張靜貞,吳治葉,2004,SARS疫情對國人旅遊行為之影響以及疫苗研發之經濟價值。調查研究—方法與應用,第16期,5-36。
- 曾偉君,2003,生化戰防禦資源之樂透配置。農業經濟叢刊,八卷二期,179-203。(TSSCI)
- 曾偉君,2001,以綜合隨機效用模型衡量遊憩之經濟價值。農業經濟半年刊,第70期,149-175。(TSSCI)
- McConnell, K. E., and W. Tseng, 1999, Some Preliminary Evidence on Sampling of Alternatives with Random Parameters Logit. Marine Resources Economics. 14(4), 317-332. (Econlit)
- 徐世勳,曾偉君,1995,農地轉用對土地價格及總體變數之影響:一般均衡分析法之應用,台灣土地金融季刊,32期,35-66。
近期研究: |
Working papers or plans:
- Ebola Epidemic Statistical Models Benefits of Reducing Extinction Risks Nuclear Attitudes
- 台灣黑熊之願付價值
會議論文: |
- 曾偉君,黃俊燁, 偏好差異下資訊的範疇及其對隨機效用模型之關鍵性。台灣經濟學會學術研討會, 2003。
- Tseng, W. and J. A. Curtis, 2003, Estimating Wetland Recreational Values Using the Random Parameters Logit Models: A Case Study of Major Coastal Wetlands in Taiwan. Presented at Western Economic Association Pacific Rim Conference.